
More on me

Hello everyone!

This is the third or forth time I've re-written the 'About' page on my blog. A few months after I've published and left it, I find myself reading the page and wishing it sounded different. So let's try again...

I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't have books or I didn't read. I've always had a love for literature and writing. Luckily I grew up in an environment where I could read whatever I chose and was supported in doing so. I became a book collector in my early teens. It was no longer enough to read books, but I needed to be surrounded by them as well. The bookshelves multiplied with time, busting at the seams with books. It was at this age I was having my reading identity crisis, trying to find who and what I was as a reader.

During the last years of high school I realized that the reading addiction was more important to me than I had initially thought. A few years later I was in college for Literature and History, accepting awards for my academic achievements and making a name for myself elsewhere. Yay for Becca!

More recently, in the past few months to a year, I have really started to change who I am as a person. A lot more dreaming and crazy ideas have come into my life, and with the seasons changing, figuratively, things could not be looking better. I am now addicted to a lot more than I'd ever imagined.

More on my Blog

I have always had a blog floating around, but no reason to well... have a blog. I guess I tried fooling myself for years that I actually had something to say. I blogged about crafts, traveling, and writing, but at the end of the day I never felt as if I'd really wanted to say what I had said.

It wasn't until 2011 that I realized that what I needed was a book blog. I'd been reading more than I care to admit, and noticed that the reading community had blogs that were loved and adored. I thought I would take a crack on it, and here I am!

More on the Books I Read

I get asked this a LOT, "What kind of books do you read?"

First of all, I don't believe in genres or categorizing books under one heading, nor do I believe in only branching out into one "type" of book. I read anything that I want to read. Some of my favorites are more commonly characterized under classics, young adult, and crime. I don't exactly read romance, unless it's thrown into the rest of the book, ie. there's a big difference between Pride and Prejudice  and a bodice ripper.

Most of the books I read are because of the authors or subject. I love young adult, so I usually pick up those without worrying much. Classics I read because I love them, and even if I disliked them I never regret having read them. Certain authors are just MUST reads, so I get my hands on them whether they're bad or not.

Another way I find books to read is via friends or blogs. I've found several bookish pals and blogs that I trust enough so when they tell me to read something I will.

More on My Reviews

I've also been asked why I think I can talk about books and get away with it. Well, I think everybody should talk about books and get away with it, but I suppose I have some foundation for my reviews because I've read all my life and I'm majoring in the subject. I feel as though I have a good cocktail of reasons why my reviews will always be unique.

I am brutally honest at times. I could bash my favorite novel, if you asked me. For this reason I could love and hate a book, and only my review will explain.

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