It's Tuesday all over again, and I'm excited for this week's Top Ten Tuesday. Rebels! They can be either authors or characters, so I think I'll toss in a little bit of both. The following is in no particular order, and may or may not be missing a character/author who is extremely important, but as anyone who knows me will tell you, I get distracted very easily.
1. Jane Austen - So, woman didn't write much by then, and they even more rarely were published. Jane Austen is just one of those women in history who not only did both (having to be published anonymously under 'A Lady') but she did it with such veracity and fierceness that she's one of the most revered woman in literature.
2. Diana (The Luxe Novels) - She was pretty much a big 'screw you' to society in the series and I loved her for it. She was my favorite character, out-spoken, always having an adventure, which was more than I could say for most of them.
3. Frodo (Lord of the Rings) - He's like three foot tall and goes to save the world. How can I NOT mention Frodo? He's supposed to be home, smoking some pipe weed, gardening, downing some ale, but instead he leaves his safe and cheery home on an epic quest that pretty much leaves him mentally and emotionally scarred for life.
4. Winston Smith (1984) - With the government at his heels, this man stands firmly on rebelling against his society for love. This isn't one of those novels were 'rebeling' is staying out past curfew, either. This is Nineteen-Eighty-Four people. Read the book.
5. Virginia Woolf - She was another woman in literature that really pushed back against the oppression of her time. I really don't have much to say, since I really believe that if you're interested you should read some of her work on your own.
6. Eugene O'Neil - I read this man's play, 'Long Day's Journey into Night' last year, and loved it. Then I watched a film on O'Neil, and realized I loved him more than his work. While most authors wrote for the pleasure of it, this man endured emotional torture to tell a story that needed telling.
7. Twelve Angry Men - I can't recall the fellows name in this play, but out of twelve jurors he firmly believed that the man on trial was innocent, rebelled against his fellow jurors, and probably saved the young man's life. That deserves a place on my list.
8. William Shakespeare - Mhmm, he goes on m list because he invented his own words when he couldn't find one good enough. That's a rebel against language.
9. Nora (A Doll's House) - This was a play in which a woman was meant to live in the shadow of her husband, as a wife and as nothing more, before standing up to his expectations of her a a woman and becoming independent. A wonderful play, and even more wonderful message.
10. Elizabeth (Pride and Prejudice) - I just love her in the novel, where she's supposed to be more soft-spoken, she speaks out. Where she's supposed to accept a proposal for marriage and settle, she denies it. Elizabeth Bennet is just one of my favorite females characters in English literature for the way she stands out on the page and among her contenders.
I still feel as though I'm missing a few good ones that I shouldn't be, but I feel that way whenever I blog my Top Ten.
So tell me what I missed, fellow readers! You know how I love taking
Great Top Ten Tuesday list. After reading everyone's lists, I always want to make it a top 15 or 20 because there are so many great answers I didn't think of the first time around.