06 January 2014

Top Ten Resolutions, Bookish and Not-So-Bookish

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Top ten Resolutions for 2014? This is intimidating, as I've completely ignored my resolutions list so far this year. NOT a good thing. Maybe proclaiming it to all of you lovely people will help me keep the promises to myself? I doubt it, but let's see, eh?

1. Read a lot more than I did last year. I didn't read as much as I usually do, which sucks, but I had a nutty year. This year I'm starting out well, focusing myself on certain books, and being a tad more selfish. Sometimes I would put other things in front of my greatest pastime, and I can't anymore.

2. Read books I'm afraid of reading. Sometimes, for some reason, I can't push myself to read a book. Lots of times I find out that book is fantastic and it becomes a favorite, but I'm always hesitant. Dunno why.

3. Buy more books. I used to buy books ALL the time when I was younger, but I didn't read them as fast. So for a few years I have been completely holding back on book purchases, and I'm running low!

4. Get more bookish or writing friends. I had an incident with a now ex-friend when I was told reading was my social handicap. Wha...? And I don't have many friends who like to write, so it would be nice to find a few more to swap some creative ideas with.

5. Write more! I love to write, but lately I've been lazy. I can feel it. Other creative people will know what I'm talking about when I say that when I'm not writing, I get kinda depressed.

6. Not related to bookish things, but I'm hoping to have a couple adventures this year. I do every year, and I look forward to them, no matter how small they are, :)

7. Try new things. I need to be more brave about trying new foods and starting new hobbies. I'm actually hoping that I get to eat a termite this year. I guess they taste like peanuts? No idea where I'm going to get one, yet...

8. Be healthier. I had a good stride of being super healthy over the summer. Then the fall came and I was like, "Ohhhh, cookies and stuff..." Now I need to go back to being a veggie monster.

9. Let go of things that bothered me last year and made me twitch.

10. Do awesome stuff. Just really awesome stuff. Be fearless, and have fun, and try new things, and meet knew people, and take chances. Life is more fun that way!


  1. I hope you achieve your goals. It's great to see someone wanting to buy more books than less. Buying less books seems to be a common theme this week!

  2. I was going to say the same thing as chrissireads -- I haven't seen anyone else vowing to buy MORE books. Awesome goal :)


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