25 May 2012

Review: Hal Junior - The Secret Signal by Simon Haynes

The Secret SignalThe Secret Signal by Simon Haynes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
How I Got It: Received an ARC from the author.

Hal Junior lives aboard a futuristic space station. His mum is chief scientist, his dad cleans air filters and his best mate is Stephen 'Stinky' Binn.
As for Hal ... he's a bit of a trouble magnet. He means well, but his wild schemes and crazy plans never turn out as expected. Hal Junior: The Secret Signal features mayhem and laughs, daring and intrigue ... plus a home-made space cannon!

I’m not used to reading a lot of children’s fiction, but I do enjoy diving in every so often when I think a certain story or author is worth it. Simon Haynes, the author of the popular Hal Spacejock ebook series, was kind enough to send me the first book in his children’s series, Hal Junior. I read the book, pretty excited to read something fun, and I wasn’t really disappointed. Everything on the table this was a very fun book that killed an afternoon and let me take a break before diving back into some heavy reading.

Hal Junior lives on a space station and is apparently prone to trouble. From the first chapter we see him, and his friend Stinky, getting into all sorts of mischief. As the story progresses, however, Hal soon learns that the fate of the space station and his mother’s precious research lies in his ten year old hands.

This would be great for little kids just getting into the swing of reading. I think my problems with this book are because it is a children’s book. I know that Haynes is a writer of much more mature talent, and you can just see his real writing style poking through the edges of this book. Personally I think it held him back, but that could be just me. Also, there was room for expansion and detail. “But they’re just kids!” you say. Yeah, well that doesn’t mean they can’t start expanding their reading a little early.

Lots of fun, though. I want to thank Haynes for sending me a free copy for a review. I hope in the future I get to read more!

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