Believe it or not, I get this reaction all the time. I read a weird variety of books. At times they're books people have never heard of, and occasionally it's a popular book. But still, there are those titles that I have year to read, of which I can't wait to read.
1. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - A NYT's Bestseller, I know loads ofpeople who've read this. I own a copy, so I'm ready to tackle it!
2. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins - Does this count? I've only recently read the first book, and I hate rushing series. But everyone else has read it.
3. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater - Okay, so lots of people have read this one. I sort of want to, and I'm really tempted to buy it...
4. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - I read The Kite Runner by the same author and fell in love with his style and story telling. Most people have also read this book of his, so I need to soon!
5. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown - Everybody read this... before Angels and Demons. Haha, sucks for you, that wasn't the first book. I happened to read the first book, so this is next.
6. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - It seemed like wthing the span of a few months, everybody was reading this classic. Then the movie came out. I need to read it soon!
7. King Lear by William Shakespeare - So I've read my fair share of Billy Shake, but this is just one I haven't delved into yet.
8. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll- A great classic. I want to read it just to say I've read it, and that I love the story telling for something beeyong te big screen adaptions.
9. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey - Well this one is a classic, and don't you know it. It's a classic a lot of people love, so I hope I will too.
10. North and South by Elizabeth Gakell - The popularity for this book is pretty huge, and for those of you who don't dabble in BBC (You horrible, horrible people you!), they've made it into a mini-series!
*Note: These are books I want to read, not just books everyone has read but me. I kept the books that I have no intention of reading off the list.*
Jane Eyre!! :-)